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Contents, API Reference, Interfaces, iMeshFederation, build2DTileMeshWithGround



Generates an iMesh object with simple 2D square bounds for the specified tile in this federation (instanced ground version).


std::unique_ptr<iMesh> build2DTileMeshWithGround(const iGround& ground, int32_t tileIndex, const char *const* options) const


ground The ground for the mesh. Only ground built by calling iMeshFederation::build2DTiledGround() on this federation should be used here.
tileIndex The index of the federation tile for which a mesh is being built.

A set of named attributes to control how the mesh is built.

Refer to Handling Attributes for information about passing sets of named attributes.

See mesh loading options for options that may be passed into this method.

Return Value

A newly created Interface iMesh object constructed to serve as the federation tile mesh for the federation tile with the specified index.


If you are using simple tiled ground meshes then you can use iMeshFederation::build2DTiledGround() in combination with this method to replace calls to iMeshFederation::build2DTileMesh() to get 'instancing' of the ground portion of your meshes, with potentially significant reductions in memory footprint.

C# Mapping

Mesh build2DTileMeshWithGround(Ground ground, int tileIndex, string[] options);

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: iMeshFederation::build2DTiledGround()