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Contents, API Reference, Interfaces, iTestBed, setCameraControlState



Set control state for built in testbed controls, based on mouse movement.


void setCameraControlState(int32_t state);


state The desired control state.


Control state is set on a frame by frame basis and if this method is not called on a given update frame the control state will revert to PE_CameraControl_None.

Possible values for state are as follows:

PE_CameraControl_None - no camera controls are applied.

PE_CameraControl_Zoom - camera moves in or out from current camera target, mouse movement to left zooms out, mouse movement to right zooms in.

PE_CameraControl_Pan - mouse movement left, right, up or down moves camera target such that the world appears to move in the same direction.

PE_CameraControl_Rotate - two angle rotation of camera position around current target, relative to the world Z axis (left right movement spins around this axis, up down movement controls elevation).

If a world position is supplied, with iTestBed::setCameraControlTarget(), this will be used to adjust camera target position in certain cases to avoid the camera target getting 'locked' at arbitrary locations and help ensure that camera control remains intuitive.

C# Mapping

void setCameraControlState(int state);

Java Mapping

void setCameraControlState(int state);

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: iTestBed::setCameraControlTarget()