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Contents, API Reference, Values and Strings, Unobstructed Space Generation Attributes

Unobstructed Space Generation Attributes

"removeSmallUnobstructedRegionsWithRange" Defaults to -1.
Must be an integer value >= -1.
If this attribute is set to a value other than -1 then PathEngine will analyse obstructed space boundaries, and remove any small unobstructed regions with horizontal range in both X and Y less than or equal to the specified value.
Note that this range is determined approximately where regions are formed by intersection between other geometry, with bounding coordinate values rounded outwards.
This process requires unobstructed space combination and can only be used when the 'combine' argument for unobstructed space generation is set to true.
"splitWithCircumferenceBelow" When set, an optimisation will be applied to split small convex obstacles with a circumference below the specified value out of pathfinding space.
See Pathfinding Through Forests for an explanation of this optimisation.
This optimisation requires unobstructed space combination and can only be used when the 'combine' argument for unobstructed space generation is set to true.
"smallConvexMaxRange" Defaults to -1.
Valid values are -1 or positive integers greater than zero.
This option controls the maximum horizontal range (in either X or Y) for splitting off small convex obstacle (and so only has an effect when the "splitWithCircumferenceBelow" option is also being supplied).
If set to -1 then a maximum range is determined based on the maximum circumference value passed in for "splitWithCircumferenceBelow" divided by two.
"smallConvex_WrapNonConvex" Defaults to false.
When set to true the small convex split optimisation is also applied to regions that are non convex, but which can be wrapped by a convex hull that is not obstructed by other boundaries and meets the corresponding constraints.
Enabling this option can very significantly reduce the cost of core pathfind preprocess operations (such as pathfind preprocess generation) in certain situations where there are open spaces and a lot of visibility between obstacle regions.
"optimiseWithRange" When set, the attribute value specifies a threshold range value, and an optimisation will be applied to optimise unobstructed space boundaries by collapsing detail vertices without horizontal error distances exceeding the specified threshold value.
See Unobstructed Space Optimisation for more explanation about this optimisation.
This optimisation requires unobstructed space combination and can only be used when the 'combine' argument for unobstructed space generation is set to true.

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: Version Attributes